Today was our last morning in Niue. We decided to fit in one more small sea trail to check out a really small beach that you could claim for yourself for a day.
The dark hulled boat on the right is ours!
We did some basic provisioning and then headed back to the boat. I had to dive on the hull to make sure the prop and rudder were in good shape and to scrape off any barnacles that had built up and were obstructing anything.
The water here is so incredibly clear. This is at 50 feet of depth and yo can see the bottom perfectly.

Shortly after departing, we threw the fishing line out in hopes of catching one of the many wahoo they have swimming around here. It wasn't long before something grabbed our line and swam away with incredible strength and speed. Just before the fish took the last bit of line off our reel and spooled us, we went hard on the drag and unfortunately snapped the line. We thought the excitement was done, but right at that moment we see this HUGE marlin (6 feet long?) fly out of the water with our fish in its mouth, blood everywhere, snapping his head back and fourth. The marlin jumped out of the water three or four times before disappearing back into the sea.
It was the first time I had seen a marlin and definitely the biggest fish I have ever seen (not including sharks).
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