Monday, November 18, 2013

Fiji to New Zealand: Day 6

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tonight was one of those nights that make everything you have been through worth it. It was the perfect sailing night.

Winds were 12 knots on the beam and the slight swell created a comforting rocking motion like a mother cradling her baby. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the near-full moon lit up the ocean as it danced along the wave tops. A giant sea bird landed on our boat just outside the cockpit to rest and to get a free ride back to New Zealand. I was sure to be as quiet as possible and keep my flashlight off of him so he could get his sleep. I am sure he has a big day of catching fish tomorrow.

To top everything off, I saw a shooting star (or alien spaceship) span the whole northern sky and turn a bright green just before disappearing on the horizon.

Everything was just so...peaceful. I could not have had a better second-last (hopefully) night at sea.


Turns out the bird was still there in the morning and Jan got some fantasmic photos of it. It was the iconic Blue Footed Boobie bird.

I am always creeped out by taller birds (especially Herons) looking directly at you. You cannot see their beaks and they look like aliens.

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