Friday, December 6, 2013

New Zealand: Days 16 - 18 - PTSD & Milford Sound

Wednesday - Friday, December 4 - 6, 2013

After two days battling Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from the bungee on Tuesday, I took the Jucy Bus & Ferry for a tour of Milford Sound (one of the fiords of south-western New Zealand).

I thought it was just a dull bus ride to the ferry, but the bus ride ended up being the best part! It was a three hour bus ride each way and then a one and a half hour ferry through Milford Sound.

We stopped about a dozen times on the bus and were able to walk around and take pictures of the jaw-dropping scenery.

Here is 'Mirror Lake', which is very appropriately named.

The rivers up in the mountains were so incredibly clean/clear.

We even filled our water bottles from them.

One stop was right before a creepy tunnel through the mountains. 

Again, beautiful scenery.

The road swerved back and forth to ascend/descend the mountains.

My favourite part of this trip was the Kea birds. They are the only alpine parrot in the world, and like the Kiwi birds, they say their own name (what is this, Pokemon??)! Kiaaaaaaaa!

The actual Milford Cruise wasn't as impressive as the drive for me. I think a big part of the appeal is just the idea of being on a boat. But obviously, after 9 months on Wakaya, it wasn't the same. I prefer the romance of a private sail through these areas rather than on a big tourist vessel crowded with people.
However, it was still a sight to behold.

And there were New Zealand fur seals! 
Brought me back to Galapagos...

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