Monday, October 28, 2013

Fiji: Day 96 - Ashore Suva

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What isn't there to love about the Suva Yacht Club? If the noise, smell, or dirty brown water don't do it for you, then the prison across the street sure will!

We hauled out our dead batteries and took a dinghy trip to shore today. We were warned that Suva has a really high crime rate, and that there are famous scam artists that corner you when you go ashore and try to forcibly sell you wooden swords (after they presumptuously carve your name in them).

Here is a shot of the Yacht Club.

We took a cab into the city to get some provisioning and to check out some handicraft market. The traffic reminded me of Hamilton, Ontario.

The handicraft market was full of really agressive salespeople and a giant cruise ship just came in, so they all thought we were suckers from it. But we are suckers from a much smaller boat.

They had this shark jaw hanging out front.

It's amazing how their teeth slope back to trap their prey (or human legs).

We didn't make it to the chandlery for replacements parts, but we did get our batteries. So we will be staying here for another night still.

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